
Beginning Flash and ActionScript: FlashBuilder 4 setting colors scheme, code formatter

Trước khi bắt đầu coding gì đó PL đều thực hiện chỉnh lại IDE, chọn màu dark cho dịu mắt, vừa làm được ban ngày lẫn ban đêm.

Chỉnh colors schema của IDE.
Có thể dùng theme pluggin - http://eclipse-color-theme.github.com/update
Đầu tiên chọn colors schema của Eclipse trước có thể ghé qua trang http://www.eclipsecolorthemes.org/?list=toppicks&filter=dark
Mình chọn Obsidian trước sau đó sẽ thay 1 số thứ như selection background, download Obsidian.epf về, nhưng mới chỉ là chọn colors schema cho Eclipse, sau khi chỉnh Eclipse colors schema thì cần chỉnh editor của ActionScript nữa. Nói chung toàn bộ colors chỉnh như sau.
Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors >

Line number foreground: 129, 150, 154
Current line highlight: 47, 57, 60
Print margin: 129, 150, 154
Find Scope: 224, 226, 228
Selection foreground color: 224, 226, 228
Selection background color: 85, 87, 83
Background color: 41, 49, 52
Foreground color: 221, 227, 230
Hyperlink: 25, 74, 165

Chỉnh thêm Text Editors > Annotations > ActionScript Occurrences là Text as Highlighted 47, 57, 87

Bây giờ cần chỉnh thêm ActionScript colors schema
Window > Preferences > Flash Builder > Editors > Syntax Coloring > ActionScript >

ASDoc: #7d8c93
Bracket/Brace: #11a37c
Comment: #7f7e7e
Default text: #c9c9c9
Keyword: class: #5fa0c1
Keyword: functio #5fa0c1
Keyword: interface: #5fa0c1
Keyword: package: #5fa0c1
Keyword: trace: #76b0c3
Keyword: var: #11a37c
Metadata: #11a37c
Operator: #11a37c
Reserved: #5fa0c1
String: #96cee1
Flash Builder > Editors > Syntax Coloring > MXML >
ASDoc: #7d8c93
Comment: #7f7e7e
Component Tag: #2b91af
Default Text: #c9c9c9
Processing Instruction: #11a37c
Special Tag: #5fa0c1
String: #11a37c
Còn lại một phần nữa là CSS, tùy mỗi người thích sao thì chọn tiếp.
Kết quả như sau:
Default, current line, occurrences


Download formatter
OK đến đây có vẻ ổn ổn rồi. Còn lại là một vài shortcut và chỉnh lại ASDoc template.

For a complete list of available keyboard shortcuts, see Accessing keyboard shortcuts. For information about editing existing or creating new keyboard shortcuts, see Changing keyboard shortcuts.
Name Keyboard shortcut Description
Switch between Source and Design mode Control+`(Left Quote) Switches between the MXML editor’s Source and Design modes.
Go to Documentation (Flash Builder plug-in)
Find in API Reference
(Flash Builder stand-alone)
Shift+F2 When you edit MXML or ActionScript, selecting a language element and pressing Shift+F2 displays language reference Help for the selected element. For more information, see Getting help while writing code.
Context-sensitive Help F1 (Windows)
Command+Shift+/ (Mac OS)
Displays context-sensitive Help for the currently selected workbench element (editor, view, dialog box, and so on).
Add Block Comment Control+Shift+C (Windows)
Command+Shift+C (Mac OS)
Adds block comment formatting to the currently selected lines of code or adds a comment at the insertion point. For more information, see Adding comments and comment blocks.
Add CDATA Control+Shift+D (Windows)
Command+Shift+D (Mac OS)
Adds a CDATA statement at the insertion point so that you can add ActionScript to an MXML document.
Find Matching Bracket Control+Shift+P (Windows)
Command+Shift+P (Mac OS)
Moves the cursor to the matching bracket of the selected code statement.
Content Assist Control+Space (Windows)
Command+Shift+Space (Mac OS)
Displays code hinting. For more information, see Using Content Assist.
Find All Declarations in Workspace Control+G (Windows)
Command+G (Mac OS)

Finds declarations in your code base. See Finding references and refactoring code.
Find All References in Workspace Control+Shift+G (Windows)
Command+Shift+G (Mac OS)
Finds references to identifiers in your code base. See Finding references and refactoring code
Go to Definition F3 Open the source of an external code definition. For more information, see Opening code definitions.
Go to Line Control+L (Windows)
Command+L (Mac OS)
Displays the Go to Line dialog box where you can enter a line number and navigate to it in the editor.
Last Edit Location Control+Q (Windows)
Control+Q (Mac OS)
Highlights the last edited line of code.
Mark Occurrences n/a Marks every occurrence of the selected item in code.
Organize Imports Control+Shift+O (Windows)
Command+Shift+O (Mac OS)
When editing ActionScript, using this keyboard shortcut alphabetizes any import statements contained in the document. For more information, see Organizing import statements.
Open Type Control+Shift+T (Windows)
Command+Shift+T (Mac OS)
Quickly browse all class types. For more information, see Browsing and viewing classes.
Open Resource Control+Shift+R (Windows)
Command+Shift+R (Mac OS)
Displays the Open Resource dialog box where you can quickly search for and open a resource in the editor.
Quick Outline Control+O (Windows and Mac OS)

Displays the Outline view in Quick mode in the editor. For more information, see Using Quick Outline view in the editor.
Toggle Comment Control+/ (Windows)
Command+/ (Mac OS)
Toggles ActionScript comments in ActionScript code. See Adding comments and comment blocks.
Toggle BlockComment Shift+Control+C
Toggle MXML comment blocks. See Adding comments and comment blocks.
Toggle Folding Control+Numpad_divide Toggles the folding of code blocks. See Setting, folding, and unfolding code blocks.

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