
Install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on a PC using VMware

Sau khi vật vã cài lại con MBP vì DVD gốc thì mất mà DVD source mua thì bị khùng, mình cài lại SL trên VMware để code cho tiện. Nếu muốn install thì thực ra chỉ cần search 1 chút xíu sẽ rất nhiều tutorials. Ví dụ link trên online tech tips Install Mac OS X Snow Leopard on a PC using VMware. OK, lúc trước mình cũng theo hướng dẫn trong đó là ổn, nhưng tiện đây note lại 1 chút xíu những điểm cần biết nếu ai search ra hy vọng giúp được ít nhiều:
  1. Cài đặt VMware Workstation, download version v7.1.2.301548 tại đây Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
  2. Dùng pre-configured VMware virtual machine file để install Snow Leopard, dùng Darwin (hỗ trợ cả PowerPC và x86) để boot. Sau khi boot được thì sẽ cài Mac bằng DVD (có thể DVD-DL chứa bản SL Retail hoặc từ file ISO). Download pre-configured VMware virtual machine file. Muốn sửa tên mấy file trong đó ví dụ 'Mac OS X Server 10.6' thành một cái gì khác thì edit lại file 'Mac OS X Server 10.6.vmdk' config disk, 'Mac OS X Server 10.6.vmx' config virtual machine và 'Mac OS X Server 10.6.vmxf'.
  3. Mở pre-configured VM file, điều chỉnh các option ví dụ processsors là 2, DVD sử dụng darwin_snow.iso, hoặc extend disk.
  4. Lưu ý cầu hình trong config virtual machine file (.vmx) hai giá trị displayName = "Mac OS X Server 10.6" có thể sửa tên hiển thị trong VMware Workstation và guestOS = "darwin10" (đang dùng x84). Với x64 thì sửa lại thành darwin10-64.
  5. Power On, nếu có thông báo lỗi 'Mac OS X is not supported with software virtualization. To run Mac OS X you need a host on which VMware Workstation supports hardware virtualization.' thì có nghĩa hiện tại máy không hỗ trợ virtualization (ảo hóa). Có 2 trường hợp xảy ra một là phần cứng không hỗ trợ, hai là chưa enabled tính năng này. Nếu chưa enabled tính năng này thì boot lại máy vào BIOS enabled lên. Để kiểm tra có processor có hỗ trợ hay không dùng Hardware-assisted virtualization (HAV) detection tool. Download HAV tool và xem thêm cách config BIOS. Nếu chắc chắn là processor hỗ trợ virtualization nhưng không tìm thấy option để toggle trong BIOS thì nên update BIOS (ví dụ update BIOS của Dell A12 lên A17).
  6. Bảng tham khảo VT (Virtualization Technology) có thể xem tại Wiki hoặc bảng cho 1 số CPUs search copy luôn vào đây, bảng bên dưới. Find (Ctrl + F) để xem CPU có hỗ trợ VT.
  7. Nếu install bằng DVD-DL Retail thì sau khi boot bằng darwin_snow.iso nhấn F8 để chọn boot option chuyển lại auto detect để sử dụng physical DVD. Install như hướng dẫn của installer.
  8. Nếu install bằng SL Retail ISO (convert từ DMG sang ISO) thì chỉ việc setup DVD dùng SL Retail ISO và install bình thường. Dùng Mac OSX Snow Leopard Retail v10.6.3 bằng torrent tại đây sau khi unrar sẽ được file .dmg, torrent file size 7.54GB, seeds ~40/197. Lấy UltraISO (download version v9.36.2750) open và convert .dmg sang iso (lưu ý open kiểm tra trước khi convert). Ví dụ như hình dưới không hiển thị được tên file -> có vấn đề gì đó (open bị lỗi).

  1. Sau khi install, nếu Power On mà chỉ dừng lại màn hình quả táo thì shutdown và chỉnh lại trong file config giá trị smc.present thành FALSE.
  2. OK mọi việc xong xuôi.
Happy programming ...

Desktop CPUs
- Core 2 Duo
E4300/4400/4500/4600/4700 NO
E6300/6320/6400/6420/6540/6550 YES
E6600/6700/6750/6850 YES
E7200/7300/7400/7500 NO
E8190 NO
E8200/8300/8400/8500/8600 YES
- Core 2 Extreme
QX6700/6800/6850 YES
QX9650/9770/9775 YES
X6800 YES
- Core 2 Quad
Q6600/6700 YES
Q8200/8200S/8300/8400/8400S NO
Q9300/9400/9400S YES
Q9450/9550/9550S/9650 YES
- Core i7/Core i7 Extreme
I7-920/940 YES
I7-965 YES
-Pentium D/Pentium EE
805/820/830/840 NO
915/925/935/945 NO
920/930/940/950/960 YES
955/965 YES
- Pentium for Desktop
E2140/2160/2180/2200/2220 NO
E5200/5300/5400 NO

Mobile CPU products

- Core 2 Duo Mobile
L7200/7300/7400/7500 YES
P7350/7450 NO
P7370 YES
P8400/8600/8700/9500/9600 YES
SL9300/9400/9600 YES
SP9300/9400/9600 YES
SU9300/9400/9600 YES
T5200/5250/5270/5300/5450/5470 NO
T5500/5600 YES
T5550/5670/5750/5800/5850/5870/5900 NO
T6400/6570 NO
T7100/7200/7250/7300/7400 YES
T7500/7600/7700/7800 YES
T8100/8300 YES
T9300/9400/9500/9550/9600/9800 YES
U7500/U7600 YES
- Core 2 Extreme Mobile
QX9300 YES
X7800/7900 YES
X9000/9100 YES
- Core 2 Quad Mobile
Q9000 YES
Q9100 NO
- Core 2 Solo
SU3300/3500 YES
U2100/2200 YES
- Core Duo
L2300/2400/2500 YES
T2050/2250 NO
T2300/2400/2500/2600/2700 YES
T2300E/2350/2450 NO
U2400/2500 YES
- Core Solo
T1300/1400 YES
T1350 NO
U1300/1400/1500 YES


Install OS X Snow Leopard from a USB flash drive

Original post from http://www.maciverse.com/install-os-x-snow-leopard-from-usb-flash-drive.html

Install OS X Snow Leopard from a USB flash drive

by Dan 
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The steps below will guide you through how to Install OS X Snow Leopard from a USB Flash Drive. If you want to skip the steps and get your USB installation drive quickly, check out our pre-configured USB Snow Leopard Installation Drive. Read on if you’d like to create a USB Installation yourself.
Apple officially released Snow Leopard yesterday and consumers could find the latest version of OS X at Apple Stores and resellers across the country.
At version 10.6, Snow Leopard, focused more on improving speed and performance than adding new features to OS X. With the operating system available to customers, individuals are ready for their upgrades.

Installing OS X From a USB Drive

Like other versions of OS X, Snow Leopard can be installed from a USB drive. This is especially beneficial to Macbook Air users looking to install the OS without a DVD drive. To do this, you’ll need to prepare your USB drive with the installation files. Like many of our other Mac Help articles, the steps listed below worked particularly for Snow Leopard but should also work for installing OS X from USB on Leopard.
The installation files sit at 6.2gb on the Snow Leopard DVD, so you’ll probably need a drive that has at least 8gb available. If you want your installation files to last against the elements, check out this 8 GB Water/Shock Resistant USB flash drive. Or something a bit more interesting, the USB Humping Dog… Although I don’t believe that has enough disk space.
After you’ve gotten the correct USB device, connect it to your Mac and prepare it with the Snow Leopard installation files by following these steps:
NOTE:Depending on your flash drive, you may need to follow steps 5 – 7 on on installing onto a USB drive to make sure the drive is bootable before you get start.
  1. Open Disk Utility and select the Flash Drive
  2. Select the Erase tab on the right and then set Format to Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Name the partition you’ll be creating Snow Leopard or OS X Install so you can keep track of your installation device. After you’ve done this, click the Erase button.
  3. After Disk Utility finishes erasing your old data on the flash drive and setting it as a new partition, it will be ready for the Snow Leopard install files. Select the Restore tab at the top and then drag the Snow Leopard DVD to the Source field. Select your USB device for the Destination file. Click Restore and wait for the restoration to finish (about 20 minutes).
  4. If the restoration worked correctly you should be able to open your USB device and see the Leopard installation files. If you try and click the Install OS X Snow Leopard icon, you’ll get the message below telling you you can’ install OS X from this volume. IGNORE the message. The next steps will walk you through the installation steps.
  5. Now that the installation files are successfully on your USB device, be sure to remove the Snow Leopard installation DVD from your drive. Next, restart your Mac and when it first starts to reboot, be sure to hold down the option (alt) key on your keyboard. After a few seconds at least two volumes should appear for you to select from for installation. One of those will be the USB drive we just prepared. Select it.
  6. After the Snow Leopard installation software boots from your USB drive, follow the on screen instructions for installation. It took about 38 minutes to install Snow Leopard on my machine from the USB drive. I’m curious to see how this compares to the average Mac users, please leave a post in the comments letting us know how long it took on your machine.
  7. After the installation finishes, it will reboot your computer into your new upgraded version of OS X, version 10.6 Snow Leopard
This method works for installing OS X Snow Leopard onto a Mac from a USB Drive. It should also work for installing Leopard or other older versions of OS X on Intel Based Macs. Check back often for additional help and tips for your Mac